Saturday, April 4, 2009

Growth vs. Fixed

Carol Dweck is the author of the book "Mindset: The New Psychology Success" and she believes that students have a fixed mind set which means that they base their knowledge from what they already know and whatever intellegence they have at the time, that is what they are stuck with. They are concerned if they are going to look smart or dumb if they say something or try to complete tasks. But growth mind set students are the ones who are ready to learn and want to work out their brains. There are a set of 8 session workshops that teach students how to a growth mind set. At the workshop, they were taught how to have good study skills and apply tactics used outside of the classroom in the classroom.
Having a growth mind set is not just for grade school students, anyone can benefit from it. Growth mind set helps you grow and seek to be more successful in life. Having a fixed mind set only holds you back because one would believe they cannot grow because they will make mistakes. But mistakes are inetivable and you can learn from them.
I believe that there are a lot of students that have a fixed mind set because they are afraid to be smart because it's not the cool thing to be. Which at the time, we have to take into consideration that they are children and at their age they are concerened about petty things like that and not the education they should be absorbing. Fixed mind students may also be the ones who afraid they are not smart enough to participate or apply themselves. As a future teacher, we must find a way to show that learning is "cool" to change our fixed mind students into growth mind students

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