Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blogs from teachers and students

As I searched the web for student and teacher blogs, I had a little trouble at first because I did not know exactly what I was looking for. I browsed a few blogs and felt that those weren't right because they did not look like my blog. Obviously, that was a naive thought because every blog is different and is used for different reasons.

The first blog I found was a teacher blog called talkingpoints. At this blog, she has questions that appear to come from assignments given in class. I believe that most of the posts are private and only the teacher and class can view them. I viewed this teachers profile and found out that her name is Marci Stern and she is a English teachers. This is what she looks like and the only picture on the blog:

This kind of blog is a good idea and similar to the one Dr. Strange has. It is a list of assignments and other important information that can be useful to the student.

Another blog I came about is called Entrepreneurship . Though there is no picture that I can find located at this blog, I am taking the risk in just not including one because I really wanted to discuss it. At this blog, it too has a list of assignments and instructions every few days for students to check out. On the side of the page there are about 25 links to each of her students in her class. I could not view their profiles, but I believe that their class blog is much similar to the one our class has, except that these are students from Desoto County that are using the blogs.

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